Mom is just so excited, and I really don't know what all the fuss is about. She spends hours washing, drying, combing and clipping me, which I endure just to keep her happy and for what? A couple minutes in the ring, where I'm looked at and touched in the most inappropriate places by some strange person!
But today was different. I didn't just get one turn in the ring, I was invited back again, this time with various types of dogs, not just the newfies. It was all so new to me, I can remember this happening once before when I was a young lad, but that was awhile ago.
I had quite a cheering committee, whenever I went around the ring I could hear them clapping and hooting for me, that was cool!
Then we are all lined up and the judge starts picking dogs and putting them in a different line, and I was one of them!!!
We do one more lap around the ring and more clapping and cheering and the next thing I know dad has this big white rossette in his hands for moi being 4th in the Working Group!
When we came out of the ring there was a bunch of hugging and more cheering, and there she was, my girlfriend Olive, who was ringside watching the whole thing! She is such a sweet young girl, and she gets me going everytime she comes near. We got to play around a bit until dad said I wasn't allowed to climb on her....he spoiled my fun!
All in all it was a very good day despite the problems dad had with the truck on the way to the show. But we got that fixed on our way home. With a side trip to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone....yummy!!
After a big dinner I was so ready for a sleep! Until next weekend when rumour has it they have me in another show, this time its for 3 days!!!...oh the horror of it all!